14 Years Since Columbine

Has it really been 14 years since the tragedy at Columbine High School?  April 20, 1999.  The impact of that day, and the days that followed are still with me!  Palpable, tangible, & real.  Sadness still stings my heart when I think about it.

I say all this, and really am not sure what it means.  I didn't know any of the kids at Columbine HS then, but I do now!  I guess it is my ability to see my own kids, in the shoes of the victims, and what is scarrier still, is that i can see them in the shoes of the shooters.  Not that I THINK they would EVER do anything like that... but given the right concoction of emotions, experiences, victimization, what-have-you.... could it be my boys?

Why not?  What makes them any different?  What makes me any different than their parents?  I am sure that Dylan and Erik's parents did the best they could... did what they thought was right by their kids.  What makes me a better parent than they were, or in-fact are?

I just hope that the cocktail of influences, both nature and nurture, help my boys live healthy, happy, and long lives.  Free of the Terror of 14 years ago.  I hope that the families and victims of the Columbine Tradgedy have found peace.


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