My Friends

I have been blessed in this life to know so many wonderful people.

Some of these people I don't think I could live without. They are my wife/soul mate/best friend/everything, Stephanie, my children, Stephen, Kenton, and Camden. They are my brother and sisters; Don, Diana, and Kate. Toby, my best friend and confident. My cherished and dear friends, Scott (Dopey), Norm, Tony, Steve, Lenny, Johnny, Lee, Jennifer, Jillene, Lanette, Chip, Glen, Shawn, Sean, Anthony, Rad, Chris & Ken.

Some of these people, I owe my very existence to: My mom and dad, my grandparents, great grand parents, and so on. I love them for creating me, whether they knew they were or not (in terms of those who came before me and never got to know me. For setting into motion the miracle that is my life.

Some of these people have shaped my world view: Roman Galochkin (St. Petersburg, Russia), Tine Braun (Germany), Oscar Escalada (Mexico), Ann, Jack, Matt, Jeff, and Jennifer Thomson (Canada), Hisao Hiroka and Satoe Iwamoto (Japan). The Lizere's and Seb Dutto (Agay, France).
And finally and most importantly, my mom, dad, brother and sisters.

Some of these people challenge me to think outside the box and my own comfort level. Rick, whos political views challenge me to think outside my comfort zone. Those that I have met that so exeplify the ideals that I refuse to accept, but by being who they are have helped to define who I am (I obviously won't name names here).

The young men of the Bald Eagle Patrol of Pack 640 - Stony Creek Elementary School - Kenton, Connor M., Connor S., Connor C., Ben, Justin, Jacen, Brandon, Christian and Aaron (our loyal guide). You guys have reinforced in me my faith in the future. You are destined for great things and I can't wait to live life long enough to see it happen.

I also am blessed to call friends the parents of the Bald Eagle Patrol; Glen, Lori, Allen, Andrea, Lora, Shawn, Sean, Shellie, Joyce, Mark, Cheryl, Darla, Mike, Heidi, Jaren, and Dori. The have been such a part of my life thru our involvement with Cub Scouts... I just hope that we can continue to kindle the warmth of friendship long after our boys are done in the scouting movement.

There are the Bengal Tiger Parents: Dave, Joe, Glen (he is going to show up in here a lot), Randy, and Kip.

The Boy Scouts - Dan, Cody, Parker, Carter, Kim, Phil, Rick, Jeff, Jim, Marc, and more.

There are those that I work, or have worked with: Ed, Jeff, Vicki, Kim, Amy, Kristi, Colleen, Karen, Bob, Cindy, Matt, Dave, Robert, Mandy, Scott, Kevin, Deanna, Johann, Randy, James, Jim, Emily, John, Kelly, Sue, Chad, Rozelle, Lance.

I know that there are many, many, many more that I have failed to mention in the limited time that I have to address this topic today.

~ickarus maximus

(please forgive me if I missed you... I will update as my brain clears)


  1. Oh, the miraculous energy that flows between two people who care enough to get beyond surfaces and games, who are willing to take
    the risks of being totally open, of listening, of responding with the whole heart. How much we can do for each other! (Alex Noble)

    Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, chaff and grain together,knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with
    the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.
    (George Elliot)

    Eric, thanks for listening. Thanks for responding. Thanks for the openness.
    -- toby

  2. "A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere. Before him I may think aloud."
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson

    "I can never think of promoting my convenience at the expense of a friend's interest and inclination."
    - George Washington

    "Always, Sir, set a high value on spontaneous kindness. he whose inclination prompts him to cultivate your friendship of his own accord, will love you more than one whom you have been at pains to attach to you."
    - Samuel Johnston (1709 - 1784) British lexicographer.

    Toby, it is my sincere pleasure to listen, dispense useless advice, but most importantly to be your friend. ~ Ickarus maximus.

  3. Another great quote from a truly great woman... a true saint.

    "If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
    - Mother Teresa


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