Everything is Amazing and Nobody is Happy.


My cousin sent me a link to this video a few days ago, and I just watched it. It knocked me over. I guess it is human nature, but if that is so, it is the very worst of our nature to look at the miraculous and make it mundane.

In this video (I won't give away too much... {i dont' want to spoil the Hollywood ending!;)}) Commedian, Louis CK is talking to Conan O'Brien on his show... and he humorously lays out what I think is really the matter with people today. He talks about things, and activities... and I want to discuss that here... but I also want to talk about people:

1. Life itself: dispite the fact that we don't always feel 100%, we have come to believe that life is shitty and not worth the effort. I say differently. Life is always worth while. Life is always a blessing. "Any day above ground is a good day" is a saying I like to use. We are walking talking miracles. Maybe, just maybe, if we were to realize that and be more mindful of that, we would quit taking eachother for granted. We might not be in such a hurry to over populate our planet.

2. Flight: I am sorry, but I have always seen flight as something short of miraculous. How can TONS of metal just hang in the air... and yes, I know, you can totally explain it with physics... but that is in part why we don't continue to see the act of flying (unless you are a bird or other flying insect) as nothing short of a miracle. "You are sitting in a chair in the SKY!!!" Wow!

3. Travel: Less than 100 years ago, a trip from NY to LA would have taken more than a week. Now we can do it in "a movie and a crap".... like CK says to Conan. You can go to Europe in 7-8 hrs? Asia (from Denver) in 14? Something like that?! And we complain that it takes too long?


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