A Great Day for America

I don't care what your politics are... the election of a man of Barack Obama's back ground is a great step forward for America. It is a victory for those who are African American, certainly, but it is also a victory for Anglo Americans as well. For Asian Americans, Latino Americans, for all Americans. We should not forget that this man is not only a "black" man or a "white" man. He is, like my children, a wonderful mix of two proud people. A beautiful combination of two wonderful histories and traditions. He is uniquely American, and if we look, we can see the best part of ourselves in him.

I personally never thought that I would see the day, but am excited for and proud of my country today. It shows that maybe, just maybe, we are beginning to outgrow the legacy of racial hatred in this country. Maybe, just maybe, we have begun to take to heart the lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. To think that only a decade or two ago, America would never of even considered an African American candidate, let alone abide by the swearing in of that person to the highest office in the land.

I know there will be those, that based on his politics, will villify him. There are those, that based on the color of his skin already villify him. They will make the failure of his policies a failure of his person. I know that this will happen, and I know that he does too. One of the things that I have most admired about this man, is his ability to recognize these barbs and insults and overcome them. I stand with him. I stand with our country on this the brightest of days. Certainly the highlight of the political millenium, so far.

It was reported that President Obama writes his own speeches. Isn't it refreshing that we now have a president that can not only write, but can intelligently read what was written? After 8 years of George W... it will be nice to listen to press conferences and the State of the Union again. Even if I don't agree with everything that he says... atleast I will be able to understand it.

Finally, I must say, with all the flowery speeches and rhetoric of this day, a lot of difficult days, weeks, and maybe years lie ahead. The financial crisis that this country finds herself in, will not auto correct. They will not be fixed by a wait and see stance. I am willing to dig in and work hard to right the ship. While I would have worked hard to right the ship under John McCain, I am glad that this ship is piloted by President Obama. I have more faith in his ability to lead. To make the hard decisions, and communicate with me the issues that we are facing.

God bless President Obama, God bless his family, God bless Vice President Biden and his family, God bless America, and God bless all mankind on this remarkable day and forever more!

~Ickarus Maximus


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