A list of things that I am afraid of

Don't they always say that the first step to overcomming a problem is to acknowledge it, and then take away it's power over you. In addition, I was reading a blog by Sarah Malone called Irrational Fears... and it got me to thinking.

So here is my list of irrational fears, and in the cases that I can remember them, I will try and explain my fears.

1. Spiders - First and foremost, they are so alien in appearance. Then there is the whole venom thing. Also, spiders are sneaky. They hide in things. Waiting for me to pick them up where they are then sure to jump at my eyes and slam their fangs deep and inject enough poison to kill me.

2. Women with big mouths - I think this goes back to a recurring nightmare I used to have about a woman with "Jaws" {the bond villian, not the ocean dwelling fish} like teeth (the interlocking steel ones) litterally bit my head off. I don't know what the dream was trying to tell me, but it did forever scare me away from women with big mouths (some men to... but mostly women). Honored members of the list of people I am most afraid of: Julia Roberts, Steven Tyler, Carly Simon,

3. Cancer - I know that there are amazing examples of life with, and the curing of cancer. Even so, I have seen both my mom and my aunt get cancer. My aunt succumbed to it last fall. It, like a spider, lurks in the dark places, and strikes when you least expect it. They say there are things you can do to protect yourself, but I am not so sure.

4. Nuclear War - Hell, even a nuclear blast in a populated area scares me. This goes back to the Cold War days of my early years. The world is full of crazy fuckers, and this is just the sort of thing that makes you think this fear isn't so irrational.

5. The Dentist/Root Canals
6. Heart Attacks
7. Surgery
8. My annual physical
9. Global Warming
10. The world economy
11. The US economy
12. The Yellowstone Caldera
13. Natural resource depletion - especially water.


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