10 things to know about me

From time to time, I think it is important to take stock of your life and how you think things are going. It doesn't hurt to let people know some of the things we keep locked up, behind closed doors, and out of eyesight.

So, in order to shed some light into my shed of secrets, here is my top10 list of things to know about Ickarus Maximus on 12/26/08:

10. I regret much of my childhood and early adolesence.
9. I really want to have a positive impact on the world around me.
8. I try everyday to be kind and gentle to the people I come in contact with.
7. I feel that my need to be kind to people is a curse, and it causes me to be walked over.
6. When I am not with my sister, Kate, it is a dull ache. She is really one of my most favorite people, and it is probably most unfair to put that pressure on her.
5. Spending time with my wife, kids, and friends is more important to me than anything else.
4. If I could make a living by traveling around the world, I would do it. The only thing that has held me back from actively looking for a job like that is my kids (although... I think growing up in a foreign country would be the best possible educational oportunity there is).
3. I want to reconnect with the divine in my life.
2. I often feel like an outsider within my own social group because of my views of the world.
1. I love exotic restaurants, foreign food, cooking with new ingredients.


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